On Oct-28th   Maharishi Vidhya Mandir, Chennai conducted Cyber science – Math Exhibition in chetpet senior school. Our students R.Vaishali Grade VI, R.Sujith Grade VI, participated in the competition. The students had designed and prepared how vermicompost, bio organic fertilizer can be prepared from “ cow dung ” and also bio fuel from it. Our school students won the consolation prize and cash awards Rs.2000/-. It was a great “learning experience”.

Extra curricular Activities

  1. Our school students of Grade III to VI participated in Yoga competition conducted by V.S.K.D Nadar School, Satchiyapuram ,Sivakasi held on August 11, 2018.

The following students won First Prize.

S.No Name Grade
1. K.Nithersana III
2. S.Gopinath V

The following students won Third Prize.

S.No Name Grade
1. S.Sri vaishnav II
2. D.Hiruthick V
  1. Our children participated in Inter School District Level Skating Competition in U.S.P. Matriculation School, Kodikuruchi, Thenkasi on September 1 st

The following students won First Prize.

S.No Name Grade
1. M.Madhumitha I
2. R.R. Akshayan I
3. S.Srivaishnav II

The following students won Second Prize.

S.No Name Grade
1. A.Monish Priyan II
2. M.Santhosh III
3. S.Balaji IV
4. S.Gopinath V

The following students won Third Prize.

S.No Name Grade
1. J.Aswin Kumar II
2. P.Prasanna III
3. A.Raj Kumar WE
  1. Our student K.Nithersana of III grade participated in First South Indian Yoga Championship – 2018 organized by Ekadhma Yoga Visva Vidyalaya Association in Aathur, Tuticorin held on 01.09.2018.She got First prize in Ranking Competition and also Secured First Prize in South India Competition.
  2. Our school students of Grade III to VI participated in Karathe competition conducted by Lord Lion VCA Matriculation School, Reserve Lion ,Sivakasi held on September 9, 2018.

The following student won First Prize under Individual Kata.

S.No Name Grade
1. S. Gopinath V

The following students won Second Prize under Individual Kata.

S.No Name Grade
1. D.Hiruthick V
2. M.Santhosh III

The following students won Third Prize under Individual Kata &Team Kata.

S.No Name Grade
1. S.Balaji IV
2. R.Sujith WE
3. S.Gopinath V
4. D.Hiruthick V