1. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss, damage or theft of pupils’ belongings. It is not advisable for the pupils to bring money or valuable articles to school.
2. Although the school is not responsible for the behaviour of its students outside its premises, due notice will be taken of reports of misbehaviour and disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned students if the report is substantiated on proper enquiry.
3. Any damage done in the class or in the school premises has to be made good. Pupils must take care of the equipment that has been lent for their use.
4. Speaking in English is enforced in the school and within the school premises.
5. The students must take down the work assigned for the next day in their calendars.
6. Pupils are expected to be punctual. Late comers are liable to be sent home at the parents’ own risk. Absence on the re-opening day will be viewed strictly.
7. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual idleness, disobedience or objectionable moral influence justify dismissal.
8. Finger-nails must be cut short and kept clean.
9. When the students go for P.T. or move along the corridors or while changing classes, they must walk in silence in a single line. They should always keep to the left.
10. Pupils are expected to come to school provided with all that is necessary for the day’s work. Borrowing or lending of pencils, erasers, rulers, sharpeners, instrument box, etc., is discouraged.
11. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all. Pupils should be particularly careful not to litter anything in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for this purpose.
12. Absence without proper information or prior permission will be considered a gross breach of discipline.
The school transport fee is much lower when compared to the auto, vans and public transport rates. Hence you may avail our school transport facility. The children travelling by school bus will be picked from and dropped in the scheduled spots as planned and finalized by the school and not as per parent’s wish near their houses.
All our school buses are being monitored through GPS to ensure the safety of the children. |
1. a) Admission does not ensure school bus service.
b) Availability of school bus facility entirely depends on the scheduled timings and location.
c) The bus runs for the convenience of children without any liability whatsoever on the part of the authorities of the school.
d) Any change of residence, does not guarantee continuity of the service and parents must make their own arrangements.
e) If the pupil is found indisciplined while travelling in the school bus, he / she will be removed from the school bus facility.
f) If the residence of the child is located in a narrow or blind end street, it would only be possible to pick up the child at a pre-determined place on the main road.
g) As it is not possible to provide door service for everyone, the stages fixed by the management shall be final.
h) No adult is permitted to accompany the child in the School Bus.
i) On no accord should any transaction, of whatever description be entered into, with any of the staff accompanying the children in the bus. Any such transaction will be only at the parent’s own risk and will not bind the School authorities in any way.
j) The Management does not hold itself liable for any damage or loss incurred by the children during the transit in the school bus.
13. The names of students who are absent for one month without informing the school authority will be struck off from the register.
14. The school takes adequate care about the safety of the pupils. However, the school will not be held responsible for any injury or accident met by the pupils.
15. During unavoidable and abnormal circumstances, we may declare a holiday and on such days the school buses will not ply to pick the children to school. In case the holiday announcement comes later, i.e. after the children reach school, they will be retained in the school till evening. Parents who want to take them back home must come in person to collect their wards.
16. Students are not allowed to carry and electronic gadgets and any prohibited articles to school (such as crackers, spinners, sharpeners, pen knives, steel scales, etc.)
17. General communication will be sent through Diary. However, emergency information will be sent only through WhatsApp messages.
18. All circulars and exam schedules will be informed through WhatsApp group also.